Get to Know Karen Millon from Healin
I Want to Inspire and Guide You Toward Healing
My mission is to bring awareness to the importance of healing in order to achieve all that life has for you. I want to share all the different modalities and therapies available to you for your healing journey.
“It’s not easy to heal, but it is the best return on investment that you can ever make.”
– Karen Millon
I’ve been where you are.
I’ve worked hard to achieve my professional and financial goals, but still felt stuck. I felt stuck in my marriage, buried by an unhealthy working relationship, and struggled to enjoy being home with my kids. I knew I wanted a change but did not know where or how to start.
More than 25 years ago, I was blessed to have someone more experienced share what I needed to heal and refer me to the right resources. This helped guide my healing journey.
Therapy gave me the inner knowledge and confidence to change my life, end my unhappy marriage and leave a hostile work environment.
As my journey continued, coaching helped me discover a plan to get to a place I dreamed of. I was able to align my mindset, positivity and spiritual practices with my business education and background to move into a place of fulfillment where I have been blissfully married and found my calling.
Thanks to embarking on my own healing journey, I am a great mother of 3 girls, an amazing wife and ex-wife, an evolved daughter and sister, a confident and experienced entrepreneur, and a caring and supportive friend.
I want you to experience this, too.
In the midst of this intensely traumatic experience, I was referred to great resources and therapists that helped me achieve deep and sustainable results. I want you to learn about these resources, too, and work with me for professional coaching for your own healing journey.
“Very few of us had a perfect childhood or has never experienced anything that affected us deeply.”
– Karen Millon
Our journeys are different, but a desire to heal, feel better and do better unites us.
Over the years, I’ve explored many traditional and holistic healing methods. This led me to create resources for healing:
- A podcast where I speak with experts about healing
- Thoughtful and researched resource guides focused on healing from different types of trauma
- A book sharing my personal journey towards an amazing divorce through healing
- And personal coaching services to help you find healing, too!
“What you resist, persists! You have a choice – repeat or evolve.”
– Unknown
When you feel, you heal.
The first steps to healing are gaining awareness, acknowledging your trauma and allowing yourself to feel and understand. By acknowledging this pain, we can heal the root source of our negative voices or obstacles. This lets us see clearly the roadmap to what we would like to achieve. More importantly, we can have clarity and intention during the journey.
For me, happiness is feeling joy despite the ups and downs and circumstances of life and I want you to experience this too — either on your own or with me as your guide!
I have been stuck and overwhelmed. I’ve gone through this journey. And my resources are designed to meet you where you are today in your journey.
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Learn and get inspired to heal from experts and healers to help you on your journey.
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What do you need today?
- Listen to the podcast
- Buy my book and learn about my Amazing Divorce.
- Book your Complimentary Consultation to experience what we are talking about
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